姓 名:郭亮
Email: lguo@cug.edu.cn
岩浆作用; 青藏高原; 特提斯演化; 大陆地壳组成与演化
1. 地球化学;2. 周口店野外地质教学实习;3. 秭归野外地质教学实习
1. 2003年9月-2007年6月,云顶国际yd333(武汉)云顶国际yd333,地球化学专业,获学士学位;
2. 2007年9月-2012年6月, 云顶国际yd333(武汉)云顶国际yd333,地球化学专业,获博士学位.
1.主持国家自然科学基金面上项目 (项目名称: 冈底斯带东段中生代-早新生代下地壳的组成与演化及其对大陆地壳生长的意义; 项目号: 41673036; 项目起止时间: 2017年1月-2020年12月);
2. 参加国家重点研发计划(深地资源勘查开采)(青藏高原碰撞造山成矿系统深部结构与成矿过程-课题九:青藏高原碰撞带壳幔过程与成岩成矿实验;起止时间:2016年7月-2020年12月),专题负责人;
3. 主持国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目 (项目名称: 拉萨地块东南缘晚白垩世基性侵入岩类的岩石成因及其地球动力学意义; 项目号: 41303023; 项目起止时间: 2014年1月-2016年12月);
4. 主持中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金摇篮计划项目 (项目名称: 东冈底斯带晚白垩世含矿与不含矿埃达克质岩石的成因及深部过程对比研究; 项目号: CUGL150407; 项目起止时间: 2015年1月-2017年12月);
5. 主持校级中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金新青年启动基金 (项目名称: 东喜马拉雅构造结变质岩系碎屑锆石U-Pb年代学及其地质意义: 项目号: CUG120808; 项目起止时间: 2013年1月-2014年1月).
Research citations
Google Scholar:https://scholar.google.com.hk/citations?user=U12K2dEAAAAJ&hl=en
Researchers ID:http://www.researcherid.com/rid/C-8707-2011
Research Gate:https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Liang_Guo17
22.Guo Liang,Zhang Hong-Fei, Harris Nigel,Xu Wang-Chun, Pan Fa-Bin. 2017. Detrital zircon U-Pb geochronology, trace-element and Hf isotope geochemistry of the metasedimentary rocks in the Eastern Himalayan syntaxis: Tectonic and paleogeographic implications.Gondwana Research, 41: 207-221.
21. Zhou Xiao-Chun, Zhang Hong-Fei, Luo Bi-Ji, Pan Fa-Bin, Zhang Sha-Sha,Guo Liang. 2016. Origin of high Sr/Y-type granitic magmatism in the southwestern of the Alxa Block, Northwest China.Lithos, 256-257: 211-227.
20.Yang He, Zhang Hongfei, Luo Biji, Gao Zhong,Guo Liang, Xu Wangchun. 2016.Generation of peraluminous granitic magma in a post-collisional setting: A case study from the eastern Qilian orogen, NE Tibetan Plateau.Gondwana Research,36: 15–32.
19.Guo Liang,Zhang Hong-Fei, Harris Nigel,Xu Wang-Chun, Pan Fa-Bin. 2016. Late Devonian-Early Carboniferous magmatism in theLhasaterrane and its tectonic implications: Evidences from detrital zircons in the Nyingchi Complex.Lithos,245: 47-59.
18. Pan Fa-Bin,Zhang Hong-Fei,Xu Wang-Chun,Guo Liang,Luo Bi-Ji, Wang Shuai. 2016. U–Pb zircon dating, geochemical and Sr–Nd–Hf isotopic compositions of mafic intrusive rocks in the Motuo,SE Tibetconstrain on their petrogenesis and tectonic implication.Lithos, 245: 133-146.
17. Pan Fa-Bin,Zhang Hong-Fei,Xu Wang-Chun,Guo Liang,Luo Bi-Ji, Wang Shuai. 2016. U–Pb zircon dating, geochemical and Sr–Nd–Hf isotopic compositions of Motuo quartz–monzonite: Implication for the genesis and diversity of the high Ba–Sr granitoids in orogenic belt.Tectonophysics, 668-669: 52-64
16.Luo Bi-Ji,Zhang Hong-Fei,Xu Wang-Chun,Guo Liang, Pan Fa-Bin, Yang He. 2015. The Middle Triassic Meiwu Batholith, West Qinling,Central China: Implications for the Evolution of Compositional Diversity in a Composite Batholith.Journal of Petrology, 56 (6): 1139-1172
15.Xu Wang-Chun,Zhang Hong-Fei,Luo Bi-Ji,Guo Liang, Yang He, 2015. Adakite-like geochemical signature produced by amphibole-dominated fractionation of arc magmas: An example from the Late Cretaceous magmatism in Gangdese belt, southTibet.Lithos, 232, 197-210
14. Yang He,Zhang Hongfei,Luo Biji, Zhang Jie, Xiong Ziliang,Guo Liang, Pan Fabin, 2015. Early Paleozoic intrusive rocks from the eastern Qilian orogen, NE Tibetan Plateau: Petrogenesis and tectonic significance.Lithos, 224–225(0): 13-31.
13. Pan Fa-Bin,Zhang Hong-Fei,Xu Wang-Chun,Guo Liang, Wang Shuai, Luo Bi-Ji. 2014. U–Pb zircon chronology, geochemical and Sr–Nd isotopic composition of Mesozoic–Cenozoic granitoids in theSE Lhasaterrane: Petrogenesis and tectonic implications.Lithos, 192–195(0): 142-157.
12.Guo Liang,Zhang Hongfei, Harris Nigel, Pan Fabin,Xu Wangchun. 2013. Late Cretaceous (~81 Ma) high-temperature metamorphism in the southeasternLhasaterrane: Implication for the Neo-Tethys ocean ridge subduction.Tectonophysics, 608(0): 112-126
11.Xu Wangchun,Zhang Hongfei, Harris Nigel,Guo Liang, Pan Fabin. 2013. Rapid Eocene erosion, sedimentation and burial in the eastern Himalayan syntaxis and its geodynamic significance.Gondwana Research, 23(2): 715-725
10.Xu Wang-Chun,Zhang Hong-Fei, Harris Nigel,Guo Liang, Pan Fabin, Wang Shuai. 2013. Geochronology and geochemistry of Mesoproterozoic granitoids in theLhasaterrane, southTibet: Implications for the early evolution ofLhasaterrane.Precambrian Research, 236(0): 46-58
9.Guo Liang,Zhang Hong-Fei, Harris Nigel, Parrish Randall,Xu Wang-Chun, Shi Zhang-Liang. 2012. Paleogene crustal anatexis and metamorphism inLhasaterrane, eastern Himalayan syntaxis: Evidence from U–Pb zircon ages and Hf isotopic compositions of the Nyingchi Complex.Gondwana Research, 21(1): 100-111
8.郭亮,张宏飞,潘发斌. 2012. 拉萨地块东南缘晚白垩世高温变质作用及其地质意义:来自石英出溶金红石的证据和锆石U-Pb定年,地学前缘,19(03): 228-239
7. Pan Fa-Bin,Zhang Hong-Fei, Harris Nigel,Xu Wang-Chun,Guo Liang. 2012. Oligocene magmatism in the eastern margin of the east Himalayan syntaxis and its implication for the India–Asia post-collisional process.Lithos, 154(0): 181-192
6.Guo Liang,Zhang Hong-Fei, Harris Nigel, Pan Fa-Bin,Xu Wang-Chun, 2011. Origin and evolution of multi-stage felsic melts in eastern Gangdese belt: Constraints from U–Pb zircon dating and Hf isotopic composition.Lithos, 127(1-2): 54-67
5.Zhang Hong-Fei, Harris Nigel,Guo Liang,Xu Wang-Chun. 2010. The significance of Cenozoic magmatism from the western margin of the eastern syntaxis, southeastTibet.Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 160(1): 83-98
4.Xu Wang-Chun,Zhang Hong-Fei,Guo Liang, Yuan Hong-Lin. 2010. Miocene high Sr/Y magmatism, southTibet: Product of partial melting of subducted Indian continental crust and its tectonic implication.Lithos, 114(3-4): 293-306
3.Xu Wang-Chun,Zhang Hong-Fei, Parrish Randall, Harris Nigel,Guo Liang, Yuan Hong-Lin. 2010. Timing of granulite-facies metamorphism in the eastern Himalayan syntaxis and its tectonic implications.Tectonophysics, 485(1-4): 231-244
2.郭亮,张宏飞,徐旺春, 蔡宏明. 2008. 黄河源头区碎屑锆石U-Pb年龄及其地质意义,自然科学进展, 18(12): 1398-1408
1.郭亮,张宏飞,徐旺春. 2008. 东喜马拉雅构造结多雄拉混合岩和花岗质片麻岩锆石U-Pb年龄及其地质意义,岩石学报, 24(03): 421-429
野外风景/Field Photos
the Potala Palace
the Yarlung Zangbo River
the Yarlung Zangbo River